Review: LadyLike: Living Biblically

LadyLikeNobody likes getting their buttons pushed. It makes us squirmy, upset, and maybe even angry. LadyLike: Living Biblically has some squirms to offer. For the more delicate among us, you may want to skip over the “Looking at Nowadays” section to begin with and start with the “Not Too Fancy” or “It’s Very Personal” sections. Regardless of whether, like me, you read the book from front to back, read headed sections out of order, or pick and choose essays by title from the table of contents, be prepared to consider what these ladies have to say, have your toes stepped on once or twice, nod in agreement, and maybe even be led to tears.

Rebekah and Rose affirm traditional gender roles. How this plays out in your individual home is not prescribed, but they do logically point out that it makes sense for you to do the work that you generate. We parents teach our children that if they make a mess they should clean it up. Does it not then make sense that if we make a mess or procreate that we should take care of our own work to do? This is not to say that all people should do the same things; that those with means should not employ people to clean, cook, or babysit for them; but that women should examine their motives for making their decisions. Are we feeling guilty for staying home to care for our family? Are we feeling useless because we aren’t out there doing what society has told us we should do to make a real difference in the world? Time to think about vocation and what being a mother is all about.

I would have liked to have read some essays that were a little more personal. My favorites are The Family of God, Hey Mister Pastor Man (the best argument against female pastors I’ve ever read), Being Special is Special!, Dear Sisters, Whac-a-Mole, and What is God Trying to Tell You? I do believe that if people give the book a chance (everyone should probably start and end their reading of this book with Being Special is Special!, especially if you are going to be purposely looking for the book to offend you) that there is something in LadyLike for everyone.